Supreme Ratio Analysis Of Amul

Asset Management Case Analysis Amul Dairy.
Ratio analysis of amul. In the Amul the Liquid ratio of the year 2009-10 is 0728 2010-11 is 0597and 2011-12 is 0539 in every financial year but it is less than the ideal ratio. Find the Youngs modulus Poissons ratio OR b An aluminium rod of 22 mm diameter passes through a steel tube of 25 mm internal diameter and 3mm thick. Class 12th Accountancy file on Amul Ratio analysis Cash flow statementPlease like Subscribe share this video.
All Documents Finance Financial Analysis section of our research repository. The SWOT Analysis of Amul enables us to understand how Amul has transformed from a dairy cooperative to one of the most valuable and trusted brands in the country. More than 40 of small and marginal farmers depend for their livelihood on agriculture and other related activities.
INTERPRETATION The ideal Quick Ratio is 11. But than after it started declining and reached below 1 for the next four years. The ratios under asset management includes current asset turnover days receivable days of inventory and inventory turnover.
Amul have Chocolate as their main product. - return on assets net profit total assets. Quick ratio also called Acid test ratio establishes a relationship between quick or liquid assets and current liabilities.
Financial needs can be anticipated by forecasting expected funds in a business. The brand entices a sense of national pride among the consumers and this brand image can be further exploited to enter overseas markets. Government dairy distributes 90 of its milk in sachets or in containers while remaining 10 is marketed as butter ghee etc.
In India more than half of the rural population have no land of their own. Bad Debt Reserve Fund15 12712 17588---Contribution to Education Fund 3 3 3 3 3 Share Divident 15 43454 44678 459 63953 9705 Out of Remaining Profit Dividend Equilisation Fund75 5318 19032 52263 7431 671 Further out of Remaining Profit General Fund80 1418 5075 13937 19816 17893 Charity Fund20 355 1269 3484 4954 4473 84743 117256 154512 217777 249068 BALANCE SHEET OF AMUL. In India animal husbandry has remained the backbone of livelihood for small and marginal farmers despite adversities like famine flood.