Ideal Audit Follow Up Process

A management analyst in the OED has day-to-day responsibility for audit follow-up.
Audit follow up process. The Follow up Audit is the evaluation of adequacy effectiveness and timeliness of actions taken by management or responsible organisation on reported observations and recommendations including those made by auditors. Audit and Consulting Services will use the implementation deadline to determine when follow-up procedures should be conducted. To facilitate reviewing work for the Audit Resolution and Follow-up Phase the following checklist is.
Nowhere in the standard do the words follow-up audit appear. A Follow up Audit is an audit designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a corrective action that is officially closed after all findings are recommended for closure through the follow-up audit process. A subsequent audit is conducted.
Follow up is recommended to occur within at least one year from the issue of the first audit report. The purpose of audit resolution and follow-up procedures is to insure that management implements audit recommendations andor corrective action aimed at the audit finding. This is accomplished by the Office performing appropriate verification such as.
The Executive Director is the Commissions designated audit follow-up official. Figure 7 documents what should be captured at this stage. Bringing It All TogetherThe Audit Follow-up Process in Action Managements Proposed Actions The follow-up process begins with the creation of the audit report specifically at the time recommendations are made and managements proposed actions15 are documented.
Follow-up is a process by which internal auditors evaluate the adequacy effectiveness and timeliness of actions taken by management on reported observations and recommendations including those made by external auditors and others. The follow-up phase should be documented in its own set of workpapers. This succeeding audit is used to follow up on the previous audit findings.
In the banking industry the United States Federal Reserve states that a bank should have procedures documented for issue tracking and follow up. Audit follow up is a kind of an audit which is held 6 months after the issuance of an internal or external audit report. 10 Watauga Club Dr.